Peer-Reviewed Research


Joint Effects of Age, Period, and Cohort on Conduct Problems Among American Adolescents From 1991 Through 2015

Abstract Although arrest rates among juveniles have substantially decreased since the 1990s, US national trends in conduct problems are unknown. Population variation in conduct problems would imply changes in the social environment, which would include emergent or receding risk factors. In the present study, we separated age, period, and cohort effects on conduct problems using nationally representative surveys of 375,879 US students conducted annually (1991-2015). The summed score of 7 items measuring the frequency of conduct problems was the outcome.

January 1, 2018

By Katherine M. Keyes, Dahsan S. Gary, Jordan Beardslee, Seth J. Prins, Patrick M. O'Malley, Caroline Rutherford, John Schulenberg

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Can We Avoid Reductionism in Risk Reduction?

Abstract Risk assessment and risk reduction have become increasingly central to criminal justice policy and practice in the last 25 years. Yet there remains a lack of consensus both on the theoretical and methodological foundations of risk and on its social and practical implications. Some proponents see risk assessment and reduction as solutions to the inefficiencies and injustices of contemporary mass incarceration. Some critics see actuarial risk as being partially responsible for mass incarceration, and warn that recent iterations will only reinscribe existing inequalities under a new guise of objectivity.

An Examination of Parental and Peer Influence on Substance Use and Criminal Offending During the Transition from Adolescence to Adulthood

Abstract Although peer behavior and parent-child-conflict have been associated with adolescent and young adults' behavior, prior studies have not adequately controlled for selection effects and other confounders, or examined whether associations change across the transition to adulthood or by race. Using annual data from young men followed from 17-26, within-individual change models examined whether substance use or offending increased in the year after boys began affiliating with friends who engaged in substance use/offending and/or experienced increased parent-son-conflict.

January 1, 2018

By Jordan Beardslee, Sachiko Datta, Amy Byrd, Madeline Meier, Seth Prins, Magdalena Cerda, Dustin Pardini

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Immigration Policies and Mental Health Morbidity among Latinos: A State-Level Analysis

Abstract RATIONALE: Despite abundant state-level policy activity in the U.S. related to immigration, no research has examined the mental health impact of the overall policy climate for Latinos, taking into account both inclusionary and exclusionary legislation. OBJECTIVE: To examine associations between the state-level policy climate related to immigration and mental health outcomes among Latinos. METHODS: We created a multi-sectoral policy climate index that included 14 policies in four domains (immigration, race/ethnicity, language, and agricultural worker protections).

January 1, 2017

By Mark L. Hatzenbuehler, Seth J. Prins, Morgan Flake, Morgan Philbin, M. Somjen Frazer, Daniel Hagen, Jennifer Hirsch

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When Psychopathology Matters Most: Identifying Sensitive Periods When within-Person Changes in Conduct, Affective, and Anxiety Problems Are Associated with Male Adolescent Substance Use

Abstract BACKGROUND AND AIMS There is a documented link between common psychiatric disorders and substance use in adolescent males. This study addressed two key questions: (1) is there a within-person association between an increase in psychiatric problems and an increase in substance use among adolescent males and (2) are there sensitive periods during male adolescence when such associations are more evident? DESIGN Analysis of longitudinal data collected annually on boys selected randomly from schools based on a comprehensive public school enrollment list from the Pittsburgh Board of Education.

January 1, 2016

By Magdalena Cerda, Seth J. Prins, Sandro Galea, Chanelle J. Howe, Dustin Pardini

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